Constellations and zodiac signs
The constellation Gemini
Gemini represents the twins Castor and Pollux and is one of the 48 constellations that the Greco-Roman astronomer Claudius Ptolemy already describe... -
The constellation Circinus
The Circinus symbolizes the drafting tool compass to draw circles. It is an inconspicuous and small southern constellation. It was first described ... -
The constellation Centaurus
Centaurus represents a Centaur, a Greek mythical creature with an upper body of a human and a lower body of a horse. It is a striking and expansive... -
The constellation Lupus
The Lupus, Latin for Wolf, is an inconspicuous constellation in the southern celestial sky. It is one of the 48 ancient constellations that were sp... -
The constellation Norma
The Norma represents a carpenter's square or level and is a small and inconspicuous constellation in the southern celestial sky. It was introduced ... -
The constellation Aries
The Aries, Latin for Ram, was already known in Babylon, Persia, and ancient Egypt. It finally came to Rome through Greece, where it received the La... -
The constellation Hydra
The Hydra, commonly known as Sea Serpent or Water Snake, is a very large constellation located along the celestial equator. It is one of the 48 con... -
The constellation Aquarius
The constellation Aquarius, Latin for Water-Bearer, is one of the oldest known constellations in the night sky. The zodiac sign of the same name is... -
The constellation Cetus
The Cetus symbolizes a sea monster or even a whale and is a large but inconspicuous constellation that stretches across both hemispheres. It includ... -
The constellation Libra
The constellation Libra symbolizes weighing scales or a balance. It is a constellation in the southern sky and is particularly known in astrology. ... -
The constellation Tucana
The Tucana symbolizes a toucan, a South American bird. It is an inconspicuous constellation of the south and was first defined by Dutch sailors in ... -
The constellation Telescopium
The Telescopium, Latin for the Greek word Telescope, is an inconspicuous constellation in the southern sky. It was introduced by the French astrono...
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