Constellations and zodiac signs
The constellation Apus
The Apus symbolizes a bird of paradise. Due to the mistaken belief the bird had no feet, the name was translated to "without feet" in Greek. It is ... -
The constellation Orion
The Orion is a striking constellation located along the celestial equator. It is very well-known and is often translated as "the Hunter." In its ar... -
The constellation Octans
The Octans symbolizes an octant, a navigation instrument. It is an inconspicuous constellation at the south celestial pole. Due to its location, it... -
The constellation Corona Borealis
The Corona Borealis, Latin for Northern Crown, is one of the 48 classical constellations described by the Roman-Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy i... -
The constellation Reticulum
The Reticulum symbolizes a net or reticle and is a small inconspicuous constellation in the south. It was introduced in the 17th century and rename... -
The constellation Microscopium
The Microscopium, Latin for Microscope, is an inconspicuous and small constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. It was defined by Nicolas... -
The constellation Pictor
The Pictor, Latin for Painter, is an inconspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere. Besides Painter, it is often referred to as the Easel,... -
The constellation Antlia
The Antlia, Latin, and Greek for Pump, symbolizes an Air Pump. It is an inconspicuous constellation in the southern sky that was defined only in th... -
The constellation Lynx
The Lynx symbolizes the animal lynx and is a large yet inconspicuous constellation in the northern sky. It was only discovered after telescopes and... -
The constellation Leo
The Leo, Latin for Lion, is mainly known from astrology as it is one of the 12 zodiac signs. It is also one of the 48 constellations described by t... -
The constellation Lyra
Lyra, Latin for lyre or harp, is a small constellation in the northern sky. It is one of the 48 constellations described by the Greco-Roman astrono... -
The constellation Crux
The Crux is commonly known as Southern Cross and is a small yet conspicuous constellation. It is particularly well-known in the southern hemisphere...
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